
Lincolnshire Union of Golf Clubs

Presidents Message



President's Message.

I often wonder what avenues my life would have followed had I not discovered golf some 55+ years ago. Very different I’m sure and not for the better I guarantee. It has been a huge part of my life. My start in golf had humble beginnings at a small 9 hole course close to home. But I was lucky, what it lacked in holes it made up for in friendliness, the warmth of welcome and the characters who played there.

As a Junior without support, (my Mother and Father didn’t play at that time) and not knowing anyone at the club, it wasn’t without its obstacles. However golf had gripped me and along with a stubborn attitude I kept at it. It’s due to these early experiences that I strongly support England Golf’s ambitious plans to grow the game. It’s a game to be enjoyed and experienced by everyone.

To that end I shall be taking every opportunity and doing all I can as Lincolnshire President to assist both England Golf and Lincolnshire County Golf achieve their aims. And, I would encourage all of you to make yourselves familiar with these blueprints and programmes and give something back to golf, whether this is supporting the Juniors at your club through your time or a donation or sitting on the club committee and playing a much bigger part. I guarantee whatever you put in to this wonderful game you’ll get far more back. Try it.

Finally, please, if you do see me on my travels introduce yourself and let’s have a golf chat. I’m happy to listen and discuss any topic.

Have a great golfing season,



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